Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8 - Do it! Do it now!
Our web hosting application platform Pagebloom has been running on MySQL 5.7 for some time now and it runs brilliantly - it's exceptionally responsive and provides great user experience. The performance of the underlying MySQL 7 has been great except... Clustered indexing: The double edged sword Part of MySQL's great read performance is due to an "under the hood" design feature that most software developers who use it are blissfully unaware of. In the automobile world it would be the equivalent of fuel injection or a turbo/super charger or in German - a Kompresser! These are features that can be added to the design of an engine to provide a significant boost in performance. For MySQL this feature is what is known as a "Clustered Index". The main concept of a clustered index is that the core data of each record is actually stored within the primary key index. Yes, you heard correctly - actual record data is embedded into the B-tree frames that make up the ind...