pagebloom's Media Asset Manager shines!

Motivation About this time last year ago we conceived an idea to enhance our pagebloom enterprise content management system (ECMS) to help manage the media assets (images, Flash intros etc.,) for the websites that it hosts. The idea was to create an advanced and powerful auto replicating media asset management system that could serve images from the most appropriate media host chosen from a range of available media hosts located around the world. That system was implemented and integrated with the pagebloom hosting service earlier this year. How it works If a particular host goes down or is under high traffic then the media assets can be served from alternative media hosts - all without site visitors experiencing any negative affects from the loss of performance on the degraded or lost media server. Concept payback! Since the integration of the new media asset manager none of the media hosts have experienced any problems, luckily. Well that was until today! And pagebloom carried fort...